The sexiest shoes for men and women according to Melissa Satta

The sexiest shoes for men and women according to Melissa Satta
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Who better than Melissa Satta to design a capsule collection of shoes for Bata? The showgirl, partner of Boateng, already a testimonial of the brand’s campaign for spring-summer 2017, signs her first shoe collection for autumn-winter 2017-2018. Currently a collection just for her, but an opportunity for us to meet her, and to hear her talk about how she would design a men’s collection, and to get some seduction tips.

How was the collaboration with Bata and what aspect did you like the most"The collaboration was very enjoyable. With the opportunity, I had the chance to visit their company and play with fabrics, colors, and materials…."

Would you design a collection of men’s shoes?"Let’s say that men’s shoes are perhaps a bit more complicated but I could give it a try."

How would you conceive it?"Certainly I would take inspiration from my husband’s shoes…and I would ask him for lots of advice."

What kind of shoes should a man have?"I like sneakers. But a nice boot also works."

What is your relationship with shoes?"I love all types of shoes…and I really have a lot of them."

Is there a men’s shoe that, like a high-heeled pump for women, is a seduction weapon?"Well yes, the lace-up shoe always has its charm."